We appreciate the professional relationships we have formed with educators around the world.

Below please find testimonials shared by those with whom we have worked and learned.


“Honestly you’re one of the most knowledgeable and engaging presenters we’ve had for professional development.”
“The manner in which you organized the information was great for learning.”
“Great level of knowledge. Really knows Google capabilities.”
“I hope our district brings you back for other tech trainings.”
“You were amazing. I definitely am walking out of here with a ton of things I didn’t know before. It was nice to have someone who definitely knew their stuff.”
Feedback from Google Educator bootcamp participants
Dr. Hilt is a great instructor and leader. He is very motivating. This was an amazing session. There were tons of apps I was unaware of that will have the students involved in learning. I was very intrigued in learning new ways to help the students WANT to learn. As a teacher, I will also be able to see how the students are doing, if they are understanding the lessons and if I might need to reteach or go back and edit a lesson. -G Suite Training Participant
“This was an amazing session.”

Lyn worked with two of our tech integration specialists and me to develop an agenda, review results of a teacher survey to differentiate sessions, and delivered quite possibly the BEST PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAY EVER!! The agenda topics together with Lyn’s willingness to work with two of our tech integration people and to differentiate the sessions along the way resulted in an absolutely perfect day. Every single teacher who spoke with me the day after the PD Day told me that it was the best professional development experience they ever had. To the person, teachers reported that they left knowing how to use Google Classroom, that Google Docs and Forms are their new productivity tools that they are now using today in their classes, and that they are exploring which add-ons, apps, and extensions to begin using. In one day of professional development Lyn definitely changed the way our teachers will be looking at the way teaching and learning will be happening!! It is impossible for me to express my gratitude to Lyn for the impact she has had on our teachers! She infused them with the inspiration and encouragement to make a change for the better. And she demonstrated that using technology to engage learning can be creative and even fun for teachers too!

“Quite possibly the BEST PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAY EVER!!” -Anchen Schulz, Principal, Archbishop Carroll High School, PA
This was probably the best PD I have been involved in for awhile. Engaging, informative and right to the point. I really enjoyed learning about different G Suite features from Jason Hilt. He is a great presenter and I would love more opportunities to take a session with him. I learned several ways to incorporate G Suite tools into how I do things. -G Suite Training
Engaging & Informative

Lyn designed a professional learning experience for 35 special education directors in New Jersey. Excellent workshop around the Google suite and how these can impact services to special education students. Lyn is an excellent presenter. She is motivating, engaging and clear understands her audience and their needs.

G Suite & Special Education Dr. Richard O'Malley, Superintendent, Edison Township Schools, NJ

Lyn facilitated a middle school professional development session for our region. The staff feedback we received for Lyn was extremely positive. Those who attended the session learned a great deal of practical information specific to instructional technologies for whole class and individualized assessment design. Lyn was knowledgeable and engaging. We would welcome her return should the need arise!

Middle School Professional Development Director of Curriculum & Instruction from NJ

Lyn Hilt’s professionalism and expertise was welcomed in my district. I attended her workshops on technology integration to a variety of groups in a range of grade levels and administration. Her approach was always engaging and differentiated to match the needs and entry level of the participants.

Technology integration workshop

Over the last several years, Lyn Hilt has presented over 30 education-related webinars for SimpleK12. Her online presentations have included using various tech tools, strategies, and tips to improve or incorporate literacy skills, productivity, communication, collaboration, social media, blogging, professional development, and more in schools and classrooms. Lyn’s experiences as a teacher, principal, and tech coordinator provide a unique perspective that allows her to consider issues and topics from various points of view. I have found Lyn to be knowledgeable, reliable, and responsive, and I happily look forward to working with her further!

Simple K-12 Virtual Workshops Sari Acuri, Content Manager, Simple K-12

Lyn presented on G Suite for Education. She was very knowledgeable and someone I would consider an expert in the use of G Suite for Education applications. I liked Lyn’s approach. I feel that she explained exactly where and what to click on which was beneficial to many of our staff members. She also circulated the room regularly and provided additional support and guidance for those who needed it.

Mary Vaccaro, Media Specialist, Henry P. Becton Regional High School, NJ

Lyn is one of 24 authors of the third edition of Powerful Designs for Professional Learning (2015), a best-selling book from Learning Forward (formerly the National Staff Development Council). I selected her based on recommendations, and she wrote an impressive chapter on using social media for professional learning for educators (teachers, principals, and others). By invitation, she presented the gist of her chapter at a pre-conference of the Learning Forward in 2014. She not only presented her cutting edge ideas about how to use social media, she also set up our day-long workshop so that participants connected through social media during and after the day together. She was very organized, and everyone wanted the incredible Powerpoint slides that she crafted. She covered a somewhat threatening (to some) topic is a way that made everyone in the room feel empowered to use social media. Very impressive — and not just to me! Her understanding of the needs of educators combined with her keen understanding of the latest in technology make Lyn a leader in the fields of education and technology.

Contributing author to Powerful Designs for Professional Learning (3rd ed.) Lois Brown Easton, Ph.D., Senior Consultant, Learning Forward

Lyn was a great facilitator. She really understood the teachers perspective and was excellent in reaching out to reluctant teachers and tech savvy ones. Her presentations are differentiated for individual levels of comfort and expertise of each teacher. She was really resourceful and inspiring. Our teachers and administrators are already tinkering with the plethora of tools Lyn shared with us.

G Suite workshops with Tidewater Academy Rabbi Menda, Director of Judaic Studies, Hebrew Academy of Tidewater

I had the pleasure of having Lyn be a facilitator at two of the events I run called AcceleratED and IntegratED Portland. She masterfully facilitated active learning in three workshops titled: 1) Beyond Just a Blog, 2) Developing Digital Learning Communities with Google+ & 3) Innovative Professional Development. Lyn worked to create creative and unique content, meanwhile leveraging her years of experience and professional learning community to offer the IPDX community a myriad of strategies to take back and use the next day. Our community is better off because they got to experience Lyn’s passion, expertise and willingness to help other educators (administrators & teachers) grow. I wanted to have Lyn back the following year but she chose to put her family first. A quality that some businesses may struggle with but I respect and adore the choice because I think it speaks to her values as a thoughtful, caring, responsible human being. We need more Lyns in education and beyond.

#iPDX 2015 Darren Hudgins, Director of Instructional Technology, OETC (Organization for Educational Technology and Curriculum)

Lyn delivered four days of professional development for our district in the areas of Google Classroom and a Google Level 1 Boot Camp. Feedback from participants was very positive. Many indicated that the enjoyed that they enjoyed the interactive tasks and the focus on integrating technology in the classroom. 100% of participants reported that they learned from the courses and that they found the activities beneficial, high quality, and applicable to their role in the district. One participant indicated that he was inspired to become Google certified.

Level 1 Google for Edu Bootcamp for Elanco Teachers Greg Frederick, Director of Elementary Instruction, Eastern Lancaster County School District

Lyn was great. She came in a presented to a diverse department of over 32 teachers about different applications from G-Suite that can be used in our science classes. She also presented on how to implement the Google Chromebooks in a 1 to 1 format. The workshop was well received by the participants and several of them have already incorporated the presented material into their current unit plans. I would highly recommend Lyn. She was flexible in her approach and listened to the participants to determine what she should cover in her presentation and to what level the participants were comfortable with respect to G-Suite. All of the feedback that I go from the staff have been positive. They were encouraged by her approach to G-Suite. They also asked for further workshops with Lyn and with Kiker Learning.

G Suite for Edu in the Science Classroom Kevin Doyle, District Supervisor of Instruction, Science

Lyn has helped advance my career and knowledge of edtech tremendously. I joined the ELANCO team 3 years ago and upon being hired at ELANCO, Lyn was right there ready to help answer questions, present edtech in my classroom not only to me but my students. Lyn was the driving force behind my class blog. She challenged me to take writing and teaching writing to the next level. Lyn graciously came to my classroom and showed my students and I how to blog. A little over a year after she ignited our passion for blogging, my students were finalists for best student blog and best class blog. What Lyn did not know was she stirred a passion for writing in a student that never thought of himself as a writer and has a learning disability in writing. This student happened to be me. We never know as educators when we will be that final piece in the puzzle that connects the larger picture for our students. Lyn, you were that final piece for this struggling student. Thank you.

Support to a colleague and future leader Adam Geiman, former 4th grade teacher and Instructional Technology Coach

Lyn was a presenter at our school for a 2-Day Google Workshop. She was absolutely amazing! Our teachers are really excited about using Google Apps for Education and Lyn geared them up with a stronger understanding of Google Drive, Apps, Extensions, and Add-ons. Lyn set up the perfect program for our teachers that addressed all levels of abilities. The activities she designed really gave our teacher a great insight into the world of Google and provided them with the knowledge to begin creating interactive lessons that will help prepare our students for 21st Century Learning. In the few short weeks we have been in school, our classrooms are alive with inquiry, creative thinking and collaboration.

I strongly recommend this workshop for schools to help teachers become familiar with GAFE. There is so much out there and Lyn was great about pulling the best combination of information for a workshop suited to the specific needs of our teachers.

2-day Tidewater Google for Education Workshop Janet Jenkins, Director of General Studies, Hebrew Academy of Tidewater

Lyn presented two full days of GSuite for EDU sessions at our annual district professional learning conference – BPSCON. Lyn’s presentations featured opportunities for all members of our staff to learn about GSuite including administrators and teachers. The sessions provided support for our district’s goals and objectives related to professional learning, sharing, collaboration, and communication. Lyn’s sessions were awesome! The feedback we have received from staff was great and many asked to have return to lead more sessions in the future. Many staff members commented on Lyn’s knowledge and positive presentation style that made them comfortable and excited to learn about GSuite topics. Thank you!

BPSCon 2017 Dennis Villano, Director of Technology Integration
The best in-service I have been to in as long as I can remember. Jason was well prepared. Made the meeting very interactive. He welcomed questions and was able to answer them! He seems very interested in making this program a success and that was refreshing.
Apple Training

Hiring Dr. Hilt is one of the best things Upper Darby has done! He gets people excited about technology and explains it really well. He does a great job keeping professional development sessions on schedule. He is very approachable and I have learned so much from the Google trainings I have attended. I have learned a great deal from every in-service of his I have attended. He is really getting things done. -Teacher in Upper Darby School District

Dr. Hilt G Suite Training