The end of the school year can be an overwhelming one, a time when you feel as though you’re just trying to “get through” or “survive.” Activities and special events are endless, there are many interruptions to the school day, and perhaps after standardized testing season officially closes, you find yourself able to explore different learning opportunities with your students. Many teachers and administrators feel comfortable risk-taking during this time, incorporating the use of more student-directed projects and crafting innovative learning opportunities in new environments.
While certainly we hope that you feel the need to reimagine learning throughout the entire school year, not just after testing is complete, we know that’s not always the case. May, June, July, August…. these months can be spent relaxing, reflecting, and recharging for the next school year. Many administrators find time during the summer to meet with team members and revisit vision. What is our purpose? What do we believe about learning? How can we bring that vision to life in practice? Are we doing enough to make sure our students are agents of their own learning? How are we providing our teachers autonomy in their learning? What ineffective practices are we holding on to because “it’s just the way it’s always been?” What can we do differently next year?
This month we’ve been working with school teams who are exploring Google for Education solutions to enhance literacy learning, to streamline productivity and communication processes among administrative teams, and to provide accommodations and ignite learning in special education populations. We are excited to kick off a year-long partnership with Kiker Learning and the TMI Episcopal School in San Antonio, Texas, where teachers will engage in the “G Suite Experience,” learning how to craft powerful learning experiences in a digitally-rich classroom environment.
Hilt Consultants eagerly looks forward to partnering with new schools in the coming school year. We are now booking summer, fall, and winter professional learning days, and we can’t wait to connect with you! It’s a great time to think about your professional learning goals for the 2018-2019 school year, take a look at our available services, and contact us to discuss the start of building meaningful relationships, where the focus on everyone, always, is learning first.
Photo by Craig Whitehead on Unsplash